All pictures used on this site are the property of ON LOCATION DRIVE-IN THEATRE, and may not be reproduced in any form.


Phone Icon (215) 206-1932

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Weather Policy for Outdoor Events

Weather is the biggest variable in planning outdoor events, but ON LOCATION DRIVE-IN THEATRE helps you plan for the worst. We use the latest technology to stay current with local weather conditions and wind speeds. It is strongly recommended to have a RainDate or pre-approved backup plan. 

OLC reserves the right to protect its own equipment by CANCELING the event.

Handling Inclement Weather

Our inflatable screen can safely handle wind speeds up to 20 mph (10 mph while inflating). Should winds exceed 20 mph, our crew will deflate the screen and wait for the winds to subside for an extended period of time before re-inflating. If the forecast includes a 50% or greater chance of rain, we will contact you by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to your event to discuss your options.

If there is 50% or greater chance of bad weather three hours prior to show time, we will cancel. Full payment is only due if our team is on location and the event has started before the inclement weather began. ON LOCATION DRIVE-IN THEATRE is entitled to cancel the screening of the movie due to inclement weather prior to or during the event. We reserve this right to protect our own equipment.

A complete "Weather Policy" advisory will be forwarded to you with our "Agreement Form."